Gender equality

GPE is committed to gender equality and to ensure all girls and boys enjoy equal education opportunities

Our results

82 million
more girls
are in school in GPE partner countries since 2002.
of girls
finished primary school in 2020 in partner countries compared to 70% in 2013.
of girls
completed lower-secondary school in 2020 in partner countries compared to 46% in 2013


GPE in action

GPE believes that all girls and boys should be educated, healthy and safe, and it has taken bold steps to realize this vision by:

Hardwiring gender equality into everything we do: This means helping partner countries diagnose and address gender inequalities.

Investing in gender equality: GPE mobilizes financing and partnerships to help partner countries improve equity, gender equality and inclusion in education. The Girls’ Education Accelerator provides additional funding to speed up progress and dismantle barriers to girls’ schooling. At least 33 GPE grants totaling US$1.5 billion supplement domestic investments in gender equality. These include funding gender-responsive strategies for girls’ education, including awareness-raising campaigns, community gender training, female teacher recruitment and separate toilets, among others.

Putting gender equality at the heart of education systems: GPE helps partner countries use data and evidence to identify gender barriers within education systems and ensure that plans, strategies and policies are in place to address them. Together with the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative, GPE has developed guidelines to support gender-responsive education sector analysis and planning.

Sharing knowledge and innovation: Gender equality is one of KIX’s six thematic areas, with a focus on capacity development and knowledge exchange, evidence and evaluation, and identification of innovative pilots with potential for scale-up.

Tackling school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV): Recognizing the prevalence of SRGBV and its impact on girls' education, GPE has funded a global literature review on SRGBV and support to four countries (Ethiopia, Zambia, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire) to better understand the nature and incidence of SRGBV, examine effective approaches to address it and support countries' design strategies and interventions.

Putting gender equality and girls' education on the world stage: GPE has helped elevate girls’ education in key global settings. At global and regional levels, GPE works with a wide range of partners across sectors to galvanize political support for girls’ education and gender equality. GPE also works with partners in other sectors, including health, to promote improved health outcomes and better learning.

Latest blogs and news

February 18, 2021
Nigeria: Keeping boys and girls in school and learning
GPE is supporting several states in Nigeria to reach out-of-school children and ensure they can access school and receive quality learning, including basic literacy and numeracy, as well as English and social sciences...