KIX Africa 19: Kenya's successes with disability inclusive education
KIX Africa 19: Kenya's successes with disability inclusive education

The KIX Africa 19 Hub will be hosting a learning event on Disability-Inclusive Education in Eastern and Southern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.

Led by UNICEF ESARO, the event will share the findings of a 2022 UNICEF ESARO study that mapped the progress of countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa region in promoting quality inclusive education for children.

Participants will also learn about promising experiences from Kenya and will meet with various government actors and partners to better understand the implementation of good practices. This will include an experiential learning component in the form of a school visit that will provide participants with direct experience and focused reflection to increase knowledge, develop skills, and to accelerate progress.

Time: 02:00-10:00 ET / 06:00 - 14:00 GMT / 09:00 - 17:00 EAT

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KIX Africa 19: Kenya's successes with disability inclusive education
Event type: Workshops
Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya